
Some things you may not know about me...

1. I'm really just a kid... I love amusement park rides. This one is my favorite. I think you can tell because you continually hear me... it's a little embarassing...

2. I was drum major in high school...

3. I'm a sucker for a few "reality" shows...

4. I didn't text, twitter, blog, facebook, flip, skype, etc. all until the last 3 years...
wow...things are different.

5. I'm a cop magnet --- probably because I go to fast, forget to use my turn signals, and always find a way to park in a non-parking spot in downtown Salem...
I really am trying to be and do better in this department ---
but learning to drive in the ATL prepped me to succeed at messing up.

Today is "ask a question, get an answer" day.
You ask the question...I'll give you the most honest answer I can...


Bex said...

ohhhh so many things I want to know. :-)

Unknown said...

What scares you? What excited you? What famous person (alive) would you want to sit down over a cup of coffee with and what would you want to ask them? When do you usually go to sleep? Do we get to see Jennifer? Will you build a regulation horse shoe pit in your back yard? Why am I so tired? Did you see inception?

Michelle said...

@Erik... here ya' go.

Scares me: heights - don't like walking stairs or bridges that you can see below me - you know, like walking along an overpass and you can see the cars below you whizzing by... eeeekkk!!!

What excites me or excited me? (past or present or future)

What famous "live" person would I sit down over coffee with and what would I ask them? Um... you don't know me very well if you're asking me who I'd sit down and have coffee with...

When do I go to sleep? When I aimlessly close my eyes on the couch...or when I head to bed...

Do we get to see Jennifer?? I don't know... do you??? Don't you have fb where you can see her pics?? Oh wait - you mean in person? Any time... =)

Horse shoe pit?? Hmmm... that would be a good project for Stevie...

Why are you so tired? Because you run in so many more directions than anyone I know... you do it well, but I get tired watching you and keeping up with all you do... I don't know how you keep up... you amaze me...

Did I see inception?? Oh yeah.... loved it, but I didn't like thinking so hard --- needed a good chick flick to chill my brain - Alias works just fine instead... (a lil' more JJ Abrams...)

Whew... now I'm tired...

Anonymous said...

I just love reading your blog my friend :). Maybe one day I will blog too as you have inspired me. My question for you is: what way in the past 6 months have you seen God rock your world? and How in the world can you not like tomatoes?? :). Jennifer


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