
Did you ever wonder...

So tonight I am resting on the floor of a generous church that allows our beloved middle school group to sleep in it's building after a day in Seattle (I think tomorrows blog will be about our trip...) But when we were at the Mariners game tonight I had one of those "who ever thought of making that" kind of moments. Do you ever have those? I do - I will randomly be enjoying something I see or experience fairly often when all of a sudden I'm like huh, this was a good idea... Wonder who?? Wonder why??? Wonder if they are still glad they...

Tonight at the baseball game I had one of these moments --- ready?? Who is the person who thought of mowing the grass at a baseball field in funky designs?? I mean, don't get me wrong, it looks cool, but why?? What does it add to a game?? What was the reason?? Whoever thought of it??

Other things at a stadium you can reason - batters circle, foul lines, plates, dugouts, matrix boards, scoreboards... Clear reasons for all of them... But geometric designs on the field?? I don't get it...

So, when I get home I will figure out who first designed a baseball grass field design... And why...

Any things you ever wondered about like that?? (or is it just me...)


Lins said...

Oh my gosh meesh. I do this ALL the time. My most recent one was "who decided that bathroom stall doors should only go half way down?" because the stalls at this one walmart went barely far enough to hide anything and ironically enough the brand of the stall was "Hiney Hiders". it's good to know I'm not alone in my wonderings. :D

Michelle said...

HAHA!! That's a good one... Have you ever noticed the names of the people who make the seat covers? Rest Assured is one of them... HAHA!!!

Unknown said...

Perhaps a little insight to your musings... http://www.grounds-mag.com/mag/grounds_maintenance_establish_mowing_patterns/


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